Products Attributes-Management

What is Product Attribute?

Product attributes are additional characteristics of a product. For example product attributes can be size, color, or its properties. You first create the attribute, such as size. Then, you create values for this attribute. For example, for size, you can create values S, M, L, and XL. Finally, to associate a product with its attributes, you must go to the Products page and create product variations. Likewise, you can create product properties like Expiry date, a new product from this date to that date etc.

You manage product attributes on the Attributes page.

Product Attributes can be added in few simple steps

Step 1: Add Product Attributes either from the Products page or from the Attributes-main-page

Step 2: Enable by just dragging in the unassigned attribute to the list


Step 1: How to add Products from Attributes Main Page

  • Navigate to Stores → Attributes → Product → Add New Attribute

How to Add Products from Attributes Main Page

Product Attributes

  • Click on Add new Attribute → In Properties tab enter the following

New Product Attribute

  • In Advanced Attribute Properties Section enter the Following:

Advanced Attribute Properties

  • Go to Manage Labels Section to show the Label of the attribute in different Store View:

Go to Manage Labels Section

  • Go to Storefront Properties and Mark the Visible on Storefront “Yes” as shown below

Storefront Properties

  • Save the Attribute

Step 2: Enable by just dragging in the unassigned attribute to the list

  • Navigate to Stores → Attribute Set → Click on “Default”

Dragging the Unassigned Attribute to the List

Attribute Sets

  • Drag the Unassigned attribute to the list on the left under the category “Groups” and Save

Unassigned Attributes