1. How to Manage Sellers?
Sellers are shop owners located at different locations and registered on your website as sellers.
Follow the below steps to manage sellers
- Go to >>Marketplace > Seller-> Manage Sellers
- View/edit/delete the sellers registered on the website.
- Add logo and banner images for sellers to display in the app and the website
- Select the sellers which you need to Approve
- Then select ‘Approved’ from the Actions dropdown.
2. How to Manage Seller Groups?
Seller group – A business category the seller belongs to. Example: Grocery, Electronics, Fashion, etc.
Follow the below steps to Manage and add new seller groups
- Go to >>Marketplace > Seller-> Manage Groups
- Add new seller Group
- Add New Group Name
- Enable the status and set the priority
- Click on Save Group
3. How to Assign Multiple Groups for Sellers?
Multiple Seller groups – Sellers may belong to multiple Business categories. In this case, the admin can assign those groups to the seller from the admin panel settings.
Follow the below steps to Assign Multiple Groups
- Go to >>Marketplace > Assign Seller Groups
- View list of sellers with mapped primary and secondary groups.
- Click on the EDIT option and map multiple groups to each seller.
4. How to Manage Seller Commissions?
Follow the below steps to manage and add new Commissions.
- Go to >>Marketplace > Seller-> Manage Commission
- Click on Add New Commissions
Flexible Commission
- You can set multiple commission rates for vendors.
- You can set different conditions for each commission rule
- You can pay a commission as a fixed price or percent of product price.
5. How to Manage the Product Approval
Follow the below steps to manage product approval
- Go to >>Marketplace > Catalog> Manage Product
- All newly added products need to be approved and the commission set by Admin before they can be published live to the marketplace website.
6. How to Manage Seller Sales Information?
Follow the below steps to manage and add new Commissions.
- Go to >>Marketplace > Sales -> Manage Seller Orders (Manage Orders/Transaction/Invoices/Refund)
- View list of seller orders in form of a table
- View list of seller order transactions.
- View list of seller order transactions.
7. How to Manage Seller Amount Transaction?
Follow the below steps to manage the Seller Amount Transaction
- Go to >>Marketplace > Payment and amount > Seller amount Transaction
- The marketplace owner will be able to manage all credit transactions from all sellers.
8. How to Manage All Withdrawal Requests?
Follow the below steps to Manage All Withdrawal Requests
- Go to >>Marketplace > Payment and amount >All Withdrawals Request
- The seller will submit a withdrawal request from his seller panel to withdraw funds. The admin panel marketplace owner will see all withdrawal requests with their status.
- Admin will view the request and transfer funds manually to the seller or cancel the withdrawal request for some reason.
9. How to Manage Customer Review & Rating?
Follow the below steps to Manager Review & Rating
- Go to >>Marketplace > Review & Rating >Manage review
- Admin can Approve, Delete or disapprove the review and ratings done by the customers
10. How to Add Icons for Categories?
Admin can add the icon for each category created in the backend to display in the mobile app category listing screens.
Follow the below steps to manage sellers
- Go to >>Catalog à Categories à Select the category and choose CONTENT à Upload Category icon
1. How can a Customer Become a Seller?
Customers can click the Sell on Marketplace option to login/register as a seller
Follow the below steps to manage sellers
- Click on the Sell on Marketplace option in the website header (front end)
- View seller dashboard with analytics data as attached below,
- Mark their shop as Open/Closed