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Mobile App Engagement and User Retention

Top Tips to Increase Mobile App Engagement and User Retention

There is no use of just having a large number of downloads of a mobile app without active users. Companies are investing thousands of dollars to get customers to download their mobile apps. But is that all you need to ensure your brand’s success? Well, the success of an app depends on user engagement and retention rates. 

No matter how many people download your app, your mobile app is going nowhere without user engagement. Your application features should be attractive and useful enough to draw the users’ attention and tempt them to open your mobile app as frequently as possible. You need Mobile App Engagement and User Retention in order to achieve your conversion goals. 

Simple Onboarding

It is the onboarding process that helps customers in deciding whether they want to stick around or uninstall the application. Users don’t hesitate to abandon an app that features a complex user interface, plenty of information fields, and a complicated sign-up process. 

The first impression is indeed the best impression (when it comes to mobile app experience). Let’s see how you can make the onboarding process easier for users.

  • Keep the registration process as simple as possible (reduce the information fields and make the registration process short and easy).
  • Include actions to explain the features and functionalities of the app.
  • Make the navigation intuitive

Use Push Notifications

According to research, push notifications have proven to be a great way of improving customer engagement by 180%. Push notifications play a crucial role in improving the user’s experience by offering a personalized notification experience. 

Read Also: Business Intelligent Push Notifications – Adding a Touch of Personalization

These notifications only send messages based on customer’s behavior and preferences. These apps provide a strong reason for users to open the application and check the latest offers. To increase mobile app engagement and user retention, push notifications are important. They draw users’ attention by sending them directly to your company’s app and alluring them into taking action. 

Mobile Personalization

Personalization has become an important aspect of web and mobile app development. The more you add personalized elements to your app, the more unique and relevant recommendations your customers receive.

Gone are the days when apps served a uniform experience to all its users. Today, users demand a personalized experience i.e. the functionalities and deals that match their preferences and requirements. Using the customer’s name to send messages and notifications is one such way of personalization. However, your customers expect more from your online app. They want notifications, recommendations, and app features to be relevant to their preferences. 

Support Two-way Interaction

The important part of a successful app is two-way communication. Your job doesn’t end at creating an app and promoting it to the target audience. You need to ensure that your users receive a brilliant experience using your mobile app. 

To do that, you can ask your customers to send their feedback on your mobile. You can address their problems and help them to enjoy a better customer experience. This way your customers will feel that their input is valuable. They are more likely to post a positive review in the app store if you maintain a two-way interaction with them.

Offer Incentives

What special deals are you presenting to your customers? Does your app have something unique or special that your competitor’s app is lacking? Well, to drive more engagement and retention, your app needs to offer something that attracts the attention of users. The incentives can be promotional offers, discounts, coupons, access to special content, and so on.


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