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How to ensure security for Internet of things (IOT) devices

Security a Growing Concern as Internet of Things Devices Become Common Place Internet of Things, commonly referred to as IoT, is a unique technology that adds Internet connectivity to a wide variety of devices besides standard computer hardware (such as desktops and servers) and mobile communications devices. IoT has now been deployed in the consumer, […]

Security a Growing Concern as Internet of Things Devices Become Common Place

Internet of Things, commonly referred to as IoT, is a unique technology that adds Internet connectivity to a wide variety of devices besides standard computer hardware (such as desktops and servers) and mobile communications devices. IoT has now been deployed in the consumer, business and industrial sectors, with Internet of things development rapidly growing, resulting in an increased number of IoT devices becoming available. At the consumer level, wearable tech like smartwatches, home monitoring and automation systems, as well as cars with various Internet-enabled systems are prime examples of IoT being put to use.

Even though IoT may seem like a new technology, it has already been used in some form for the last two decades, mainly in the industrial sector. Various types of manufacturing, utility and traffic control devices were connected with other IT infrastructure, allowing them to be monitored, operated and controlled remotely. As new IoT technology becomes more widespread, it is expected that a greater number of devices will be connected in the next few years.

While Internet of Things has undeniable benefits and positive aspects, it also brings security risks that can have catastrophic effects on a nation’s infrastructure if not properly addressed. For example, nuclear power plants can suffer serious damage if their IoT infrastructure was somehow compromised by attackers. As connected cities are now using IoT in most of their traffic control, utility and power grid systems with mobile app builder can result in serious problem that should not attack the infrastructure.

Properly addressing the risks isn’t an easy task, as a full IoT technology stack relies on various pieces of hardware and software. Each of these can use different protocols and management systems to operate. This requires that the security risks of every individual component be evaluated and addressed on an individual basis.

Security experts therefore recommend that every Internet of Things development project include built-in security measures that can be upgraded or expanded in the future if new threats are encountered. To make the entire IoT infrastructure more secure, the following best practices should be observed:

Build Security Features Into Every Component

Those involved in building IoT-compatible hardware can work together with IoT app development professionals to maximize the security at the hardware, software and network levels. This can be done by using the most secure protocols for device control and data transfer, as well as creating standards addressing minimal levels of encryption and access control measures.

Ensure All Systems Are Properly Monitored

IOT app development company is now creating apps for the industrial sector which allow critical system components to be monitored remotely. Automatic alerts can be sent to several individuals should a possible security breach, or device fault be detected. IoT gateways, management platforms and other parts of the infrastructure need to have monitoring systems to fight against attacks.

The most efficient security solutions combine automatic intrusion detection systems together with human monitoring of a variety of parameters. Having someone oversee critical systems at all times is particularly important, as humans have the ability to spot possible security concerns that may not have been detected by automatic systems.

Perform Adequate Security Tests at All Stages of the Development and Deployment Process

Obviously, any IoT hardware or software component should be have its security features thoroughly tested before entering the production stage. However, this doesn’t mean that security testing ends there. Regular penetration Internet Speed Meter testing and security assessments should be made on systems after they’re deployed too.

As new types of attacks and security threats emerge on a regular basis, those responsible for infrastructure security should stay on top of the latest developments in IT security. Software components, like server operating systems and remote management gateway software, may need to be patched or updated whenever potential vulnerabilities are discovered.
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