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The Benefits of an AI-Integrated Chatbot for Your E-Commerce Mobile Application

The 21st century is all about innovation, experimentation, and novelty.

The Benefits of an AI-Integrated Chatbot for Your E-Commerce Mobile Application

The 21st century is all about innovation, experimentation, and novelty. One of the greatest inventions of recent times has been smartphones. With smartphones came a stream of ancillary newness, such as mobile phone apps. According to recent statistics, the usage of mobile phone apps has increased by a whopping 82 percent. In addition, there are 3.7 million apps on the Google Play Store. So, the prowess and potential of mobile apps are no longer a secret, and almost every business that solemnly wants to reach new heights of success has dabbled in the domain of applications.

But is it solely enough to have a mobile phone application for your business? Well, the short answer is no! Owing to the large-scale inundation of business-related and e-commerce mobile apps, simply having an app will not take you too far in the journey. Thus, the mobile app you design for your eCommerce business must be intuitive, functional, infused with top-tier branding, and innovative. Many up-and-coming companies tend to shun the significance of innovation in mobile apps. But a simple way to do so is by integrating an excellent chatbot into your mobile app. What is it all about? Let us find out!

What is an AI chatbot?

Simply put, AI chatbots are computer programs powered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP) so that they can emulate the basics of human communication with users. NLP allows chatbots to understand human requests and use tactics like word prediction to provide the proper answers. According to a recent peer-reviewed study, chatbots hold ‘tremendous promise for providing users with quick and convenient support, especially when it comes to responding to questions.

Moreover, AI chatbots also utilize machine learning algorithms to learn from past interactions and adapt to situations that may not have been trained. Such chatbots are superior to their traditional counterparts. Lastly, it is noteworthy to mention that AI chatbots offer an undeniable improvement in the overall functionality, utility, and user-centric approach of eCommerce mobile apps.

Now that we know what an AI chatbot is, let us understand its significance for eCommerce mobile applications.

How do eCommerce mobile apps use AI chatbots? The Top 4 Ways

Some of the ways in which you can use AI chatbots in mobile apps are:

  1. Customer Service

One of the most common applications of AI chatbots in eCommerce apps is customer service. They are excellent for conducting customer support activities, as they can answer common questions, resolve problems, and offer information about products and services, too—instantly. Furthermore, AI chatbots can also be used for order management by tracking orders and sending the app users real-time updates on their orders.

  1. Product Recommendations

AI chatbots for eCommerce apps are also used for relevant and personalized product recommendations for customers. By using various techniques—NLP, collaborative filtering, deep learning, and more—AI chatbots can analyze customer data and behavior and suggest products that are likely to match the customers’ interests and needs.

  1. Feedback Management

The third use of AI chatbots is in feedback management. The right chatbot can collect customers’ feedback, analyze it, and report AI-generated insights. Then, your business can leverage these insights to improve the customer experience and operational efficiency of your app.

  1. Sales and marketing

Last but not least, you can also co-opt eCommerce mobile app AI chatbots to coax customers and users through various stages of the sales funnel. The chatbots are very helpful in improving marketing strategies and increasing conversions and sales by performing simple and recurring tasks on your behalf.

Now that we know how AI chatbots can be embedded into your eCommerce mobile app, let us check out the benefits of such integration.

Top 9 Benefits of an AI-integrated Chatbot for Your eCommerce Mobile App

  1. 24/7 customer service

Humans behind live conversations are usually a plus. Humans can understand emotional questions and respond accordingly. However, for handling recurring and mundane questions, it is best to opt for an AI chatbot. They are the ideal mechanisms to handle a string of repetitive questions 24/7. And, if the customer wants to talk to a real person, they can do that with a request. The fact that 67 percent of millennials are more likely to shop from a website if it has a chatbot is a further testament to the significance of AI chatbots in today’s day and age.

  1. Reduction in the amount of abandoned carts

In an ideal world, the processing of shopping from a mobile app is easy and straightforward. But the reality is quite different. For instance, in the real world, users usually check one shop, pick out an item, and put it in their shopping carts, then decide if they can find the same product cheaper somewhere else. The culmination is a massive shopping cart abandonment rate, which is almost as high as 70 percent.

However, by using chatbots, you can vehemently mitigate the number of abandoned carts. A good-quality AI chatbot can be tuned to send reminders to mobile app users that they have not completed their purchase. Likewise, reminders or automated alerts can also be sent if an item that the user has ‘wishlisted’ goes on sale. Such simple tricks are incredibly effective in reducing the overall cart abandonment rate from your eCommerce mobile app.

  1. Brand Awareness

The third benefit of an AI-integrated chatbot for your eCommerce mobile app is bolstering brand awareness. AI chatbots can help humanize your brand and create brand awareness among customers. By facilitating the brand tone of voice and communicating in a similar trajectory to all the customers, AI chatbots provide a great shopping experience to users and increase brand loyalty and customer retention.

  1. Reduce the number of returns.

It is an unfortunate fact that the number of returns is almost seven times higher for an eCommerce app or platform than for a brick-and-mortar store. However, chatbots can help minimize returns in the following ways:

  • Gathering insights on returns and helping fix application issues faster
  • Automatic interaction with customers who want to return an item and offer the option of ‘exchange’ instead.
  • Making the return process easier and offering an excellent customer experience so that shoppers come back in the future.
  1. Minimize customer frustration.

Chatbots can minimize customer frustration by improving navigation on the eCommerce mobile app. The integrated chatbot can help find the desired products on the app seamlessly and instantly. Thus, customers can find relevant and desired products easily—in the blink of an eye. They will not have to wait to surf through the entire app and receive directions and resolutions quickly. Thus, customer frustration is minimized.

  1. CRM Integration

Your eCommerce mobile app can connect to hundreds of thousands of CRM systems with a CRM chatbot. There are an array of benefits to chatbots with CRM integration. For instance, a CRM-infused AI chatbot automates the mechanisms of data entry processes, simplifies several tasks, and likewise. Online firms can access thousands of CRM systems using a chatbot. There are so many advantages to chatbots with CRM integration. Likewise, such a chatbot can extract invaluable insights and enter the information into the CRM systems.

  1. Bolster internal communication

Many up-and-coming startups fail to realize that effective internal communication is a foolproof mechanism to minimize and reduce the never-ending sales cycles. The prospect of increasing sales for businesses increases with robust internal communication. If your brand has excellent internal communication with potential customers, it will be easy to satisfy the users and heighten customer satisfaction and loyalty. With an AI chatbot, your business can provide customers with better service owing to excellent communication. Thus, you will be able to understand what customers want from the brand.

  1. Re-engage Customers

The eighth benefit of an integrated AI chatbot is customer re-engagement. If you have a chatbot infused into your eCommerce mobile app, you can get more out of every conversational experience. Thereafter, it is also possible to revive and rekindle an old conversation on the chatbot platform at any point in time. Thus, chatbots can send reminders on special deals, send out marketing alerts, provide interesting offers, and so forth. Thus, customer re-engagement becomes easy and doable.

  1. Cost Savings

Last but not least, an AI chatbot can also help you save money. Human agents are less multitasking than AI chatbots. The best part is that you don’t have to pay them. Of course, you can have human intervention within the process, but it is left for complicated or emotive conversations.

Wrapping It Up

So, there we have it: a crisp overview of the top benefits of an AI-integrated chatbot for eCommerce mobile apps. In today’s day and age, it is crucial to ensure that your mobile app stands out from the crowd. Nowadays, 87 percent of customers find chatbots incredibly effective at resolving issues, and you must leverage these marvels of modern technology as soon as possible.


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