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6 Ways restaurants can ensure food quality & safety with delivery orders

While the novel coronavirus provided a boom to the food delivery industry, the restaurants are equally horrified and doing their best to keep up with the changing demand. Most people are happy to satisfy their hunger pangs safely in the comfort of their homes. With the soaring demand, restaurants are now expected to take measures in delivering the required food quality while not compromising on the food delivery option. There is a long way ahead since things do not appear going back to normal anytime sooner. Plus, we would love nothing more than having our favourite food delivered hot, tamper-proof and, best-packed right at our doorsteps.

Top 6 ways to keep food quality & safety intact-

Be strict with the packaging-

Once placed the order, a customer begins eagerly waiting for the food to arrive. If the food is not appropriately packaged and may be leaking on the sides, that would be a sight to annoy your customer. Ensure the correct packaging of the ordered food, divide hot and cold food in different boxes customized for keeping the hot food hot and the cold food cold.

Soggy fries are a nightmare!

A customer often refrains from ordering fries when opting for food delivery options, the reason they tend to turn soggy really fast. However, there are plenty of options to avoid. That with a suitable venting and an opportunity to please your customers with crispy fries instead. If it is not you, there is definitely some other restaurant around the corner pulling that off. Home delivered crispy fries are the new normal!

A fast check prior to sending out the food for delivery-

It is the management’s responsibility at a restaurant to verify if all is well in the boxes strictly. Do not let a single packaged box exit from your space before it is scrutinized for its quality. This would ensure whatever reaches the customer is effortlessly blending with the required standards of food quality and safety.

A tight seal to prevent a spill-

The delivery of beverages is tougher than the rest. However, with proper sealing of the container, the vehicle’s movement does not hamper its packaging, and your beverage would remain spill-free. Use a dedicated container to maintain the required temperature of a beverage.

Brand new delivery menu-

Unless you had your restaurant focused entirely on food delivery from starting, a fresh delivery menu might come handy. The specific menu would help in making the online food order experience hassle-free. With the otherwise lengthy menu, there are chances your customer might get tired and switch to another restaurant instead. Despite being stuck at home with not so much to do, a customer would hate to waste their time in grasping all that information available on a menu.

Work with the best-

Given the criticality of maintaining the food quality & safety while catering to the food delivery option, the right selection of delivery firms would prove advantageous. A professional delivery firm would take accountability for any food order gone bad and would also ensure there is no room for mistakes. 

Read also:5 Customer service issues that Food delivery apps must solve


We understand there is a lot of pressure on restaurant owners, from modifying an in-dine outlet to one that could take online orders to update their strategies. As mentioned earlier, the information is to assist you while you gradually adjust to the new demand of customers. There is tough competition out there, but the right quality would always work in favour. Hence we recommend a more controlled approach over various factors associated with online food delivery.


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