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Key Challenges in Modern Mobile App Development

Key Challenges in Modern Mobile App Development

We all have seen how the trend of modern mobile app development is on the rise. Whether it is a small-scale firm or a giant organization, everyone is planning to come up with their mobile app to improve their customer’s experience

Why Build a Modern Mobile App?

The research suggests that millions of mobile applications are hosted by Android and Apple’s app store. This figure clearly says how crucial mobile app development is for startups and established companies. 

Read More: Why Should you Hire Professional Services From a Mobile App Development Company?

Do you know 47% of the startups release their company’s mobile app within 2 years of commencement? Of course, submitting your mobile application to the app store isn’t that easy how it seems. There are so many challenges that you may encounter before, during, and after the submission of your official app. Let’s have a look at the top challenges in the modern mobile app development market.

Mobile Application Development Trends 2019
Mobile Application Development Trends 2019

Biggest Challenges in Modern Mobile App Development

A Crowded Marketplace

As mentioned before, there are millions of mobile apps available on app stores. The competition in the mCommerce is fierce. And the only possible way of making your mobile app stand out in the market is integrating the latest and advanced features into it. You don’t want your app to contain the same functions as your competitors’ mobile app. In fact, you must come up with something better and sophisticated. 

The strategy is to create an app that gets noticed by your audience. First things first, determine who your target audience is and what exactly they are looking for. How can you solve their problems with your mobile app? How are your competitors helping your target audience? These are some common questions you must answer before getting your app developed.

Device Compatibility

The success of your mobile app is in the hands of its end-users. Sure, the aim of every company is to design a perfect app that draws the attention of a vast audience. But not everyone is able to come up with an app that caters to the customer’s requirements. While creating an app, it’s important to check it for mobile compatibility. Who is your audience? Do they use an Apple or Android device? It is always better to have your mobile apps developed using Native technologies. Like Android Java for Android and Swift / Obj C for iOS. Native mobiles are smaller, lighter and faster when compared to Hybrid Mobile apps.

Customer attention

Creating a mobile app is not difficult, but getting users to download and appreciate it can be super challenging. No doubt, you have added all the necessary features and interesting functions that your users will like. But, how are you going to gain the attention of your visitors in the first place? The last thing you want is to have your mobile app lost in the app store market. 

Read More: How To Engage More Customers Through Mobile Commerce App Platforms

If you want to build a successful app, invest your time and money in promotion. Use social media channels, website promotion, blog, paid advertisement, and everything that can bring your target audience to your app. 


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